Light trapped in tiny bits of sea glass. Pebbles sparkling in the sunlight, promising special powers within. Marbles, glassy orbs of wondrous color. Treasures of my childhood.
Having long been an artist in search of a medium, it seemed only natural that I would discover one involving glass beads and natural stones, evoking memories of my childhood. Weaving together these tiny bits of light to mirror the images in my mind, creating one of a kind jewelry and art pieces.
For my designs, I call on my Native American roots, my love of nature and blend these with clean contemporary lines. The techniques are ancient, from cultures all over the world. Each piece starts with a vision or I design around a special bead. My work evolves from the basic idea and the piece takes on a life of its own. I like to play colors and surfaces against each other to create interest. To start with the thread and beads and watch my ideas take life, satisfies my passion to create.